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How Do You Gauge Your Own Bra Size

This question stemmed from recent news about a lingerie store in Sweden, the Change, which was sued by a young woman staffer for forcing her to wear a sign that shows her name, bra size, and cup measurement while she was on duty at the store. The labor court in Sundsvall, Sweden sided with the woman, saying that what the management did was gender discrimination and a violation of a worker’s dignity. Change was made to pay the woman $7,470 (equivalent to 50,000 kronor) plus all the legal fees.

During the court hearing, Change had reasoned that they do not have any bad intention in ordering their workers to show their badges with their bra sizes on them.  They only want to help customers gauge their bra sizes which can simplify the bra buying process which most women find confusing.  Perhaps the store has the best intentions, but doesn’t the store employ bra fitters who should take a customer’s measurement to get the ideal bra size?  Change is a lingerie store, so the workers there, or some of them, should know how to measure, using a dressmaker’s tape measure.

Do you need to know the staffers’ bra sizes to gauge your own size?  Of course not. You can take your own measurement at home, following the instructions posted by many online stors.  Or, you can go right into a specialty lingerie store and have yourself measured by a bra fitting expert.  It is important that you get the right fit for a bra because badly fitting bras can make you suffer from some health conditions.  You may experience headaches, neck pains, circulation problems, and even skin problems. These conditions are the results of wearing bras that do not support your breasts from underneath, rather the support comes from the straps.

bra size | FinallyBra

In addition to various health conditions, a badly fitting bra may also do harm to your overall appearance: your boobs may look strange and bulky.  Your posture may also get negatively affected.  A well fitted bra, on the other hand, will make you look slimmer and your outfit shine on you.

You also need to find your exact bra measurement because there is a wide variety of bra sizes in the market.  These sizes differ from country to country and from one manufacturer to the other. Add to this the fact that the bodies and breasts of women also vary and are not always in conformity with the sizes offered by different companies.  Because of this, finding a properly fitted bra can be difficult for most women.

It has always been recommended by bra experts that women, particularly those who have larger breast sizes, submit themselves to professional bra fittings in the lingerie departments in malls or specialty bra stores. If you cannot rely on these professional measurements or your self measurements done at home for any reason, then the best thing to do is to try on the bras that you want to purchase.  You must also be able to identify the bra that fits from the one that does not.

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