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Nipple Bra, No-Bra-Look While Wearing a Bra?

Nipple bra was invented in the 70s that allows women to show erect nipples through their shirt. There were ads in which women's nipples were protruding, making it appear that they didn’t wear any bras.  Nipple bra has built-in nipples that provide a sensual and cold-weather look, as the ads say.

Since its introduction, nipple bras have attracted lots of criticism.  Even nowadays, it is still considered an extreme case to show nipples in public.  So, why do you think anyone would want to purchase and wear a nipple bra? Here are some guesses.

The wearer is trying to attract attention and show the world that she is comfortable and confident with her body.  This is a way of making sure that she is noticed.  Or, simply because she just loves the nipple bra and thin blouse and doesn’t really care what people see and say about her lack of modesty.

Nipple bra | FinallyBra

It could be a total style screw up, a fashion mistake.  This is what I always think whenever I notice that a girl’s nipples are visible. Even some celebrities become more famous for their bad choices of what they wear.  A girl showing her nipples does not always suggest that she is out to seduce anyone, but rather a matter of fashion blunder. In this case, maybe it is a polite thing just pretending that you do not notice.

Perhaps the woman is not happy with her nipples. Nipples can vary in shape and size and point to different directions. Actually there are four types of nipples:  (1) normal nipples erect themselves a few millimeters from the areola.  During cold weather or when the woman is aroused, they go even further, (2) flat nipples need stimulation or a cold temperature to protrude, (3) puffy nipples are characterized by raised areola, and (4) inverted nipples are those that turn inward.  If the inverted nipples have always been that way since the beginning, they could be not much of a problem – the nipple bra will help.  However, if they turn inward only recently, it is probably better to have them checked up.

While a nipple bra can make a woman look sexy (it really depends on who sees it), we do not really think that it is a good way of getting a guy’s number. Just imagine the awkward situation once he finds out that the nips are not real?!!!!!!!!! 

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